Your caring can make all the difference.
Help protect our clean water … for us and for all those downstream.
Help with our free seedling distribution.
We need volunteers to help label, water, sort, and send home the thousands of native tree and shrub seedlings we distribute to Adams County residents twice a year through the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Keystone 10 Million Trees program. These volunteers are integral to getting thousands of beautiful carbon dioxide-sequestering, stormwater-capturing, streamwater-filtering native trees and shrubs into our local soil. It’s good work—and it’s fun!
Help with our stream-monitoring initiative.
We need folks to help sample and test the waters of our local streams on a monthly basis for nitrates, phosphates, and other substances, so that we can keep an eye on the health of our waterways and protect our fish and other wildlife—not to mention our own drinking water—from dangerous pollution. We’ll train you in the use of our equipment—this is a great job for a science lover.
Help with our pathogen-testing program.
This program is in development, but we plan to broaden our pathogen-testing program in several ways that will help educate our neighbors about the safety of our waters—and assist the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection in mapping where Adams County’s waters need help. Another great job for a citizen scientist!
Help lead the Watershed Alliance
We’re always looking for dedicated community members interested in taking a leadership position on our board of directors.